Grace Harvey headshot

Hello! My name is Grace Harvey, and I’m announcing my candidacy for a seat on the Monarch Fire Protection District Board of Directors. Your safety is my top priority, and I humbly ask for your support on April 4.

I am a wife, a mother of three, and have been a small business owner for more than a dozen years. A member of the Monarch Fire Protection District Board of Directors must be able to manage personnel, equipment, property, and budget. The experience I have gained in the insurance and business industries over nearly three decades has provided me with the tools to meet these challenges. Together, we must ensure that our residents, businesses, and visitors are protected by expertly trained firefighters and paramedics who provide our community with excellence in public safety.

As a previous board director in a neighboring fire district, I know first-hand the challenges the board of directors face as they navigate through casualty insurance, worker’s compensation, and employee benefits, all while providing our emergency responders and community with the resources they need to keep us safe. I am up to the task and have the skills and experience necessary to do the job and hit the ground running on day one. Experience counts!

I'm the only candidate endorsed by the full board of the Monarch Board of Directors, and I plan to complement the relationship between the board members, the community, and firefighters and paramedics that serve them. I look forward to getting to know you and the issues near and dear to you, and humbly ask for your support in the election on April 4.

I look forward to working with you in the near future!

Grace Harvey signature


My top priority is to provide our firefighters and paramedics with the resources they need to keep us safe. In particular, I’m focused on four key areas:

Better education for firefighters and paramedics leads to better outcomes for our residents when they’re in need on their worst day.

Education for firefighters is crucial for ensuring their safety as well as the safety of the communities they serve. Our firefighters must be well-trained in a range of skills, including fire suppression, hazardous materials handling, emergency medical response, and search and rescue techniques. They must also have a deep understanding of building construction, fire behavior, and other key factors that can impact their response to emergency situations. Without proper education and training, firefighters may not be able to effectively assess and respond to the risks posed by fires and other emergencies, which can put both themselves and the public in danger. We need to invest in the very best training for our firefighters so they can continue to deliver excellence in public safety.

Including input from district taxpayers will increase our ability to make informed decisions while managing district resources.

Fire districts have an obligation to be transparent about their operations, finances, and decision-making processes. By providing accessible information to the public, we show the community we are committed to protecting that we're accountable and responsible stewards of the public dime. Our community needs to be able to see how we allocate resources to ensure that our residents, businesses, and visitors are kept safe. Transparency is critical to building and strengthening trust with our community.

We’re nothing without the trust of the community. All of us need to make sure public funds are allocated appropriately and lead to top-notch service to our residents.

Fiscal responsibility is a cornerstone of effective governance and is especially critical in the management of fire districts. We are responsible for managing taxpayer funds in a thoughtful and accountable manner, which requires effective budgeting, financial planning, and risk management. The fire district's leaders need to ensure they are making the most effective use of public resources, and that taxpayer funds are being used to support our firefighters and keep the community safe. This commitment to transparency and accountability is the cornerstone of our trust with the public and cannot be broken. By practicing fiscal responsibility, we can ensure the fire district is operating in a sustainable and effective manner, and that the fire department is well-equipped to meet the needs of the community for years to come.

We’re not alone in the task of protecting a community while managing a budget. Active and regular communication surrounding districts, city leaders and citizens will help us meet the growing needs of the residents we serve.

The task of protecting a community while also managing a budget is not an easy one, but it is a challenge that all fire departments face. In order to manage limited resources, it's important for fire districts to work closely with surrounding districts and city leaders to share information, resources, and best practices. By establishing these lines of communication, fire districts can build stronger relationships with our neighbors, which can help to ensure a coordinated response to emergencies and help identify opportunities for collaboration. By working together, fire districts can better meet the growing needs of the residents they serve, while also being responsible stewards of taxpayer funds.

Where to vote

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Grace Harvey with community member
Grace Harvey in front of brick wall

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